Declutter Declaration

Anne, from MinimalistSometimes, has put forth a de-cluttering challenge.

“Hear ye, hear ye!”   

“Queen Anne of Minimalia hath made a declaration throughout the land.    September is forthwith proclaimed The Month of Declutter!”

slob, de-clutter challenge

                                                             Her Royal Majesty’s seal.



Who is up for the jousting??    ME!!   ME!!


slob, declutter challenge

It’s on, Queen Anne!!


Which knights are brave enough to join me???





Queen Anne:


Queen Anne’s other Ladies-in-Waiting:


Grace, at The CFO MOM Blog

Jen, at The Hidden Hoarder

Barb, at Decluttering The Stuff


58 thoughts on “Declutter Declaration

  1. For nearly three decades, everything I owned I could fit into the back of my car. I’ve finally settled down enough to own stuff. I’m not getting rid of any of it. 😛 That being said, old habits die hard. Every six months or so, I got through my stuff and throw/give away anything I haven’t used in over a year. So there’s that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: 21.2 – I’m a bag lady! | Minimalist Sometimes

  3. Pingback: 21.3 – And then they were three! | Minimalist Sometimes

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. OH MY GOODNSS! Seriously? NO – just no – ok? I have to live up to my blog name. But then…maybe you have a point. What if I just de-clutter the dining room table so we can actually eat there? And maybe the table in the TV room so we could eat in there if the fancy took us, And maybe the table in my workroom so I can, well, WORK without knocking stuff off or over. You do have a point Melinda – so maybe I will TRY. Good luck with yours! I may post before and after pictures on my blog of the cluttered/de cluttered tables if I feel brave, and dedicate the post to Queen Minimalia. Your ever faithful servant, Lady Blah Blah.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lady Blah Blah, Okay, “no” it tis. Don’t want to force you beyond the scope of your blog, goodness knows!! LOL
      Just think of it this way, it’s not really housework, per se. No hot water or cleaners involved!! Does that help? 😉
      Yeah, maybe just a table, or 2, or 3…
      (Make the kids/hubby/cat?? do it!! Win/win!!)
      I’d love to see the pix!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • My poor husband is a saint! He does a very physical job all day and then can’t find a table to have the dinner (that he cooked!) on. I just took pictures and made a Pinterest pin – especially for you here it is
        I am so ashamed – but the table in the TV room isn’t TOO bad 🙂 Hope you had a great de-clutter day. I fell woefully short. If you dont want the Pinterest link on your comments page – I won’t be offended if you cut it out or don’t approve the comment. Wasn’t sure where else to put it because I don’t have time to do a blogpost (and its embarrassing really).


      • Oh, Gilly, you are truly blessed to have a patient man, that cooks!!
        I will go look at the pin, as soon as I reply! For some reason, this went to spam, along with 52 other comments! argh!
        Don’t be ashamed, you will do better tomorrow. Love yourself, even if you think you need to change.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: 21.4 – Oh, my snugglies! | Minimalist Sometimes

  6. Pingback: Strangest Struggles | purpleslobinrecovery

  7. Pingback: 21.5 – It’s all about that Bose! | Minimalist Sometimes

  8. Pingback: Declutterathon Day | purpleslobinrecovery

  9. Pingback: Declutterathon Day Dos | purpleslobinrecovery

  10. Pingback: Declutterathon Day Dos Doubled | purpleslobinrecovery

  11. Pingback: Declutterathon Donate | purpleslobinrecovery

  12. Pingback: Melinda’s Memes | purpleslobinrecovery

  13. Pingback: Declutterathon- Desk | purpleslobinrecovery

  14. Pingback: Declutterathon- Dafloor | purpleslobinrecovery

  15. Pingback: Declutterathon Da-shred? | purpleslobinrecovery

  16. Pingback: Declutterathon Divided | purpleslobinrecovery

  17. Pingback: Declutterathon Dumped | purpleslobinrecovery

  18. Pingback: Declutterathon Downunder | purpleslobinrecovery

  19. Pingback: Declutterathon Dash | purpleslobinrecovery

  20. Pingback: Declutterathon Daze | purpleslobinrecovery

  21. Pingback: Declutterathon Darning | purpleslobinrecovery

  22. Pingback: Declutterathon Do | purpleslobinrecovery

  23. Pingback: Declutterathon Data | purpleslobinrecovery

  24. Pingback: Declutterathon-Dining | purpleslobinrecovery

  25. Pingback: Declutterathon DIN DIN Dining | purpleslobinrecovery

  26. Pingback: Declutterathon- Dresser | purpleslobinrecovery

  27. Pingback: Declutterathon Dish Deposit | purpleslobinrecovery

  28. Pingback: Declutterathon Deck | purpleslobinrecovery

  29. Pingback: Declutterathon Dresser Drawers | purpleslobinrecovery

  30. Pingback: Posted Posts | purpleslobinrecovery

  31. Pingback: Paper Purgathon | purpleslobinrecovery

  32. Pingback: Hot Hound | purpleslobinrecovery

  33. Pingback: Wandering Wonderings | purpleslobinrecovery

  34. Hi Bbffm,
    I wonder how I found a September article in my email. And any rate, I’m excited that you have a series. I think it is a great idea. I am publishing an article about decluttering on your iPhone tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

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