Vacuous Video

I’m going to try something new today.  Uploading a video.  I’m very nervous, both to try it, and for y’all to hear my voice!

Oh, yeah, and to see my bedroom in real time!

Okay, here goes nothing.

And nothing is exactly what went.   (Don’t ya hate it when that happens??)

Well, alrightey then!  When I went to my files, I didn’t have a video!  I could have sworn I uploaded it, all my pix are there.   Time to troubleshoot.  Oh, Sweet Fri-end!

This is hysterical.  When I went to Wikimediacommons, to look up a “loading video icon”, this is what they gave me:

how to export pro x project

Oh yeah, that’s what I asked for all right!  LOL  smh

Ok, thanks to Sweet Friend’s help, I think we got it now.

Here’s hoping!

Nope, WP doesn’t support VLC, whatever that is.

So, onwards and upwards to plan B, whatever that is.

Now, I gotta go home and take still shots, except DH already straightened up all the mess so I could go to bed last night.

Whatever is a slogger to do when her beautifully messed up photo shoot location, is now NOT a mess????

Write a post about TRYING to upload a video, apparently.

Better luck tomorrow!

At least I can stop worrying that I sound funny on video!

Melinda’s Memoir


My email icon.  I hope those ladies don’t mind being on the web!


Hello  6/26/15  Just reread this today.;


I have purged today! 2 drawers full of stationery, 90% of which is being donated. The chest the drawers came out of has to be thrown away due to water damage. Then I purged 7 gallons of trash from a large moving box,(7 GALLONS!!!) and condensed down to a small diaper box! Feeling so good right now! Waiting for my husband to come back from the store, so he can bring me another box. Here’s hoping I can stay on this high for awhile!! Thank you, Nony!

I e-mailed this to myself, because I was re-reading the post of Nony’s and saw my comment from last year.

This was 15 days before I started my own blog.

It was so neat to catch a glimpse of my former self on her blog!

I can’t link to the specific post, because I didn’t save it, of course!  But here is her site.

Nony started out blogging anonymously, hence “Nony”, because she was so embarrassed.

Not so me, everyone who ever knew me, knew I was a slob.  I couldn’t go incognito if I wanted to!

Side Table

Side Table

bathroom counter

Insert any one of a thousand pix here, as proof.

But, thank God, I’m on my way to recovery, and soon, I won’t be a slob anymore!  Then I’ll have to rename my blog, ” Purple Slob Recovered.”  Oh!  Won’t that be the day!!


Yes, Shirley, it's really empty!

Yes, Shirley, it’s really empty!

See, I really AM making progress!