Mailbox mistakes

My mailbox is now purple! Yay!


And I didn’t have to go out into the heat, and do it! Double yay!!

Then I decided I needed to do something for myself.  So, I made up my mind to put on the letters.

I did it myself! The letters, that is.

I did it myself! The letters, that is.

Yes, there are


but I did it myself!  (anyone remember those Shake and Bake commercials? and that adorable little girl?)

So they're not exactly even, pppffffftt

So they’re not exactly even, pppffffftt

So there's gaps, pppffftt

So there’s gaps, pppffftt


not perfect.  Deal. Get over it.  I have!

It’s purple, it’s labeled, it’s mine.

It keeps mail dry.

We’re all good here!

waiting on wednesday

Monday Madness party

5 photos, 5 stories challenge, part 5


skunk me

purple hair

purple hair

me all aglow

me all aglow



burger me, baby

burger me, baby

Okay, you know me, it’s sooooo hard to follow rules!  I doan wanna!!  <insert whine >

So, I couldn’t make up my mind which pic to tell you about, for my 5th post.

Now, it’s your turn to tell me, which one do you want to know about the most??

(I just now figured out how to change my text colors.  Sheesh, am I thick, or what???)

But now, I can’t find my poll button.    Drats.

What do I do now??  I guess, you’ll have to tell me in your comments, and I’ll have to hand count ’em.  


Yay!! The poll button mysteriously reappeared!     Why does technology hate me????

inspire mon



tips tricks party

two uses tuesday

5 Photos, 5 Stories Challenge, part 4

Woideck family

Cute  family

This is my original married family.  My husband was stationed in Alaska, you might recognize it as the Arctic Circle.

My babies were 2, and 4.   Having our picture taken was a RARE event, as there were no photographic studios. 

Someone was taking photography courses, and set up a makeshift studio in their house.  Hey, sounded good to me!

Husband is wearing his mandatory ugly Christmas sweater, you’ll notice.   (I think he burned it immediately following this session!)  I was wearing whatever I could cram myself into, early cold, babyfat-she’s-only-two, style.

Look! I had hair!  Yes, Virginia, there was a long-haired Melinda!  (Out of consideration for possible hurt feelings, we won’t discuss husband’s situation.)

DD1 was wearing a pretty green velvet dress, early garage-sale.  DD2 was wearing the fancy-pants outfit that I made for DD1, when she was 2, and DD2 was still hiding out, inside.

I loved that dress!  It was 3 pieces, dress, pinafore, and bloomers.  The genius of it was, all 3 pieces for Christmas, the pinafore and bloomers for Valentine’s Day, and then the dress only for St. Patrick’s Day!!  

I had brains back in them days!  3 occasions per outfit, per girl.  Can’t get any better than that!

And I had it still, up until PP was born.  I was planning for her to wear it too, just like Mommy and Auntie.

But, I didn’t preserve it, and it got mildewed, in a rain storm.   Let’s not point fingers and assign blame, as to WHY it got mildewed, okay???  (Maybe because I had forgotten it was in a bin on the porch, but who’s to say???)



tips tricks party

two uses tuesday

5 Photos, 5 Stories Challenge, part 3

I’m debating which pic to pick, aha- see what I did there??

I have so many, so, so many goofy pix of me.  You might say it’s my natural look!

Okay, I’ll just grab one and go.


Me as a cow.           Moooo

(I can say that about myself, but don’t you try it, I’ll deck ya!)

Have you ever gone to Chik-fil-a on Cow Appreciation Day???  It’s a madhouse!  (See what I did there?  Catch the mad cow reference?  I kill myself.)  Everyone that dresses up in a cow costume gets free food.   They even provide free printables on their website!   It’s so much fun!

I know you probably wouldn’t have recognized me, without my purple shades giving away my disguise.  You can’t see the black spots all over my shirt, cuz the camera wasn’t panorama, therefore couldn’t capture me in all my bovine glory!  (Okay- no more fat jokes!!  We’re done.)

Those aren’t earrings, they’re my ears.  Yes, poor me, my ears hang low.  (And no, I didn’t try to tie them in a bow.)

Ask me how hard it was to eat through a cow’s snout! nose? Whatever it’s called.  Pretty hard!  But, the good news is, the paper tasted like chicken.


5 Photos, 5 Stories part two

Sherry and me, around 1963

Sherry and me, around 1963

This is my Aunt Sherry, and I on my Grandma’s porch.  My Grandma – who is her mother’s porch.

Sherry is only 5 months older than me.  And no, I never called her Aunt!  Except to tease her, and try to make her feel old!  Ya know, since she’s a  WHOLE 5 MONTHS!! older than me!

I’m on the right.  I think I’m looking down, and frowning because we were comparing our ugly Flintstone feet.

See how I’m kicking that right foot out??  I’m comparing how fat my foot is to hers.  It’s a whole family pastime, to whip out our piggies and see whose is the ugliest this year.  You should see all my aunts gathered together!

What? your family doesn’t do this?  Well, sorry for you, then!

Who pedals your car, when you’re all together???

waiting on Wednesday link up button 5-26 version

totally terrific tuesday

two uses tuesday

5 Photos, 5 Stories Challenge

My friend, Sherri, challenged me this waaay back in July.  I told her I’d try, when I got  around to it.


Well, I found one, so here it is!  Thanks, Sherri!

“Finally, for today’s challenge, I am nominating new blogging friend Melinda frompurpleslobinrecovery.  No obligation Melinda, but if you do decide to take up the challenge, I set only one rule:  Have Fun!!”

No rules???  Oh no!!!  Lots and LOTS could go wrong, if I just run around without any rules to rein me in!!

Be afraid, folks, be very afraid!

Well, if you’re willing to go along with me, here goes:

Photo #1

Me, (YES, really me! 3 decades ago)

Me, (YES, really me! 3 decades ago)

This is Allen C.  I won’t say his full name, to protect the innocent. lol

We were on our way to my Senior Banquet at Southeastern College, now Southeastern University.  (Even my college grew up!)

I was sooooo in love with this man. (Yes, he was a man! He had his own place, and a job!!)

Shamefully, I invited him, instead of waiting for him to take the million-and-one hints, I kept dropping, everytime I saw him.  At church, and when we got together at his house for dinner.  (Was it really a date, if I ended up doing the dishes EVERY time??)

Anyhoo, he accepted, and away we went.  Don’t we look so purdy?  (For awhile I dreamed this was our wedding photo!  Don’t judge!)

The banquet was a blast!  Why a banquet instead of a prom?  It was a Bible College, and no dancing allowed!  It’s okay, we still knew how to have fun!!  And laugh!!  (Without drinking, too!)

Afterwards, we changed into jeans, and walked on the beach barefooted, in the moonlight.  So romantic…..


Poor guy, he’s lucky I didn’t propose to him!

inspire mon

totally terrific tuesday

Strawberry Scribblings

And wrote!  And if you want to read what she wrote, start here:

First Day.

How long ago did you guess that Strawberry Girl was me?

Thank you sweet friend for the editorial comment.

Thank you sweet friend for the editorial comment.

I have gone thru many things in my life, that’s true.  But they have all contributed to making me who I am today.

And I like that person- me.

I like me. Matter of fact, I loooove me. Kiss, kiss

I like me. Matter of fact, I loooove me. Kiss, kiss

Air kisses

Air kisses

Strawberry Girl- Purple Slob in Recovery- Melinda.


Sticking out my tongue at sweet friend, not at you!

Sticking out my tongue at sweet friend, not at you! The background is my writing cave, here at sweet friend’s house.

Now you know the rest of the story.

(and oh yeah, I do have a strawberry mark.   These things HURT!!)

Strawberry tat

Strawberry tat

This one was a selfie.

Photography credit: Sweet friend’s web cam, for the top three pix.


grandma idea

inspire mon



totally terrific tuesday

Speaking of : #3

Speaking of; #1, #2.


I read the book, and realized I had to do this for my very life.

Then I went online, and researched the kidney diet.  Oh joy, more good news. NOT!

(Seriously, people, where’s that SARCASM font I’m always asking for??)

I had to bite the bullet, and go gluten-free. (Do you realize that means BREAD, (the very essence of life,) and

DOUGHNUTS??? ( the ambrosia of the gods???)

The very foundation of my life!

The very foundation of my life!

And sugar-free.  And salt-free.  And basically anything that made my life worthwhile, free.

So, I did a huge pantry purge.  I felt like my life was over already.

The first 2 days were hell.  I felt sick, had a headache, so tired I couldn’t even get outta bed, tired.

I began to wonder if I’d have any life to worry about.

But then,

as I ate more salads,

potholder 009

and fruits, and vegetables,

and protein, and began to do the “C” word,


funny things began to happen.

I lost weight.

I dropped pants sizes.

My moods stabilized.

I started having more energy.

I gained strength.  After 2 months, no more walker!!

In just 13 weeks, (3 months), I lost 44 lbs!!


My Hope for life came back.

I had less stress, on my body, my joints, and my heart.

I gained a new home, and peace.

My Very First Place, All on my Own!

My Very First Place, All on my Own!

(Which had nothing to do with my new way of eating, just coincidentally came after I changed!)

My IBS cleared up,

AND MY kidney disease was reversed!!!!  God used that book, and my willingness to change, to heal me.  Thank You, God!!!

And I even had More money cuz of the free salads Sweet friend gave me.

And especially the Savings on t.p.!

Now I can finally afford that Ferrari I’ve been wanting!  Just waiting on them to come out with a purple one.  And all because I gave up doughnuts!
Link-party-site monday madness
inspire mon
tips amp tricks linky party button_zps2bfzy3mb
grandma idea
waiting on Wednesday link up button 5-26 version