Man Giant

(Part one, Strawberry City, if you missed it yesterday.)

A Man Giant standing there!!


Incredulously, she said “Hi.”

Man Giant mutely nods head.

Miffed, Strawberry Girl repeats herself, ” Hi.”

Another mute response.

Strawberry Girl,  “Well if he won’t talk, bring another one.”  she huffed, irately.

Her friends chorused, “Sorry, this is the only one we know.”

Man Giant had been struck dumb by her beauty.  And he fell instantly in love.

He pursued her.  Literally.  He invited her to Bible study, and offered her a ride.  She refused, so he rode  his chariot


by her side as she walked, to ensure her safety.

At the feast afterwards, he eagerly offered to pay.  She ingraciously accepted, but then ignored him.

Man Giant persistently  showed his love for her, by serving her in any way he could.

On the last day of the year, Strawberry Girl finally agreed to take a ride with him, on his Charger.


It became a horribly rainy night, as they rode home.

Suddenly, they were galloping on air, instead of terra firma.  Strawberry Girl screamed her terror……..

To Be Continued….


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inspire mon

Strawberry City

A girl was born in Strawberry City,


long long long long long (5 decades worth of longs) ago but not so far away.

She was so fair of face, that the Strawberry Fairy decided to  kiss her neck, leaving a strawberry mark.

The Strawberry Girl grew, grew, and  grew until she was as tall as a pine tree.


Unfortunately, the more she grew, the clumsier she became. Everywhere she turned, she made messes, and clutter followed her.

Her Normal size Mama tried to teach her grace, and cleaning skills.  Poor Strawberry Girl just couldn’t seem help it.

Messes, and clutter began to overflow the house, then the town.


All the Housewives banded together, and petitioned for her to go away.

Sadly, Strawberry Girl left for a larger city, farther way.

It was heart breaking leaving family, friends, and her home.


Finally, she reached the larger city, and met new friends.  The first 4 people she ran into were Normal size Jack , Normal size Melody, Tiny Noel, and Tiny Roe.

Normal size Jack, and Normal size Melody at the beach. CAn you see Tiny Noel, and Tiny Roe?

Normal size Jack, and Normal size Melody at the beach. Can you see Tiny Noel, and Tiny Roe?

Strawberry Girl was thrilled to make friends who accepted her, clumsiness, messes, and all.  But, one thing was missing.

In despair, she asked God where all the other giants were.

One day, at a party, her 4 friends ran up to Strawberry Girl, and excitedly told her to “Close your eyes!  We have a surprise for you!”

Eyes clenched, feeling the ground shaking, Strawberry Girl was full of fear.  Fear of the unknown.  What was happening???

“Open your eyes!” her friends chorused.  Wonderingly, she did.  And what did her eyes behold??

To be continued….

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garden girl

I have a garden girl. How do I  know?  



I captured her hands, transplanting flowers.

Not PP!

Not PP!

Also, I’ve seen glimpses of her little  feet in the block fence.

2 fat feet

2 fat feet

I surprised her planting solar flowers,

Sneaked up on her weeding:

Again, not PP

Again, not PP

And keeping her flower population under control:

By this time, you know who it isn't.

By this time, you know who it isn’t.

I’m so happy to have my own personal, gorgeous garden girl.

So, now my garden should be the showpiece of the park!

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Link-party-site monday madness

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Library Loser

I lose books.

Yes, I read about more than chicken!

Yes, I read about more than chicken!

“Hi, my name is Melinda, and I’m a library loser.”


I lose my mind.


I lose money.  (Which is more important, my mind or my money?  Well, very little of either is left to squabble over.)

My fees were 42 big ones!!

My fees were 42 big ones!!

Yes, I’ve had to pay for a few several lost books.  And a few many, many, too many fines!  My latest one for the long time span of 3 months was: $42!!!

$42 is a steep membership fee for a supposedly free activity.

I lose motivation to go read “free” books, and magazines that end up costing me an arm and a leg!

There goes 1 arm...

There goes 1 arm...

There goes the leg...

There goes the leg…

What’s a loser, like me, to do????

Lose the Library, I guess.  😦

Aha!  Use the Library as a walk-in activity only!  No lending for me!

Later, losers!

Many Melindas

Why are you waking me up so early? I hate you.


Guiltily reading under the covers cuz I can.

I'm the boss of me.

I’m the boss of me

Omie as 3 d art piece.

Decorating Omie

Decorating Omie

Sister smells something!


Harried chef.


Chief cook and bottle washer.


Weeding woman.

Digging in the dirt

Digging in the dirt

Seamstress Sal.

Me sewing industriously

Me sewing industriously

Sibling rivalry instigator.


Dutiful daughter.

Dutifully eating the

Dutifully eating the “rotten” eggs.

Proud Mama, and Omie-to-be.


Spring Wardrobe from Anonyomous

Spring Wardrobe from Anonyomous

Happy Homeowner.

My Very First Place, All on my Own!

My Very First Place, All on my Own!





Aunt Jemima.


Taste tester.

potholder 009

Lazy Laundress.


Pooped partygoer.


Me, (YES, really me! 3 decades ago)

Me, (YES, really me! 3 decades ago)

I’m not really sure why we look so weirdly truncated, but I’m sure it has something to do with my (non-existent) photography skills.

I hope you enjoyed the many moods, and faces, of me.

Ingrown, Outgrown

When you get too big for your britches, you say you’ve outgrown them.

So, when you have shrunk down a size, do you say you’ve ingrown them??

All this is very relevant to me today, because…. Wait for it…..

I’ve lost 1 pant size!!

So excited!

Last few days I’ve noticed my jeans being a little loose.  The 2nd day I wore them, they were so loose, I had to clutch them to keep them up.

Yes, I wear my jeans 2 days in a row.  Gasp.

Don’t you judge me!  I know some of you do it too!  You just don’t say it out loud to 40 people like I do!

(This was waaay back in June.  Now it’s probably another size, but I can’t afford to go get a new pair of pants to find out!)


AHA!  The light comes on!

AHA! The light comes on!

I can go to the store, try them on, and NOT buy them!  What???? That is pure heresy !!  How will the stores make any money, if everybody did that?  Well….

  1. Not everybody is losing weight, like me.
  2. Not everybody is dirt poor, like me.
  3. Not everybody is shooting for minimalism, like me.
  4. Not everybody is creative, like me.
  5. Not everybody is willing to do whatever it takes, to find out their new pants size, like me!
  6. Not everybody toots their own horn, like me!

Enough already!  😉

So, maybe I will, or maybe I won’t, go try on pants and not buy.  If this offends your sensibilities, I won’t tell ya, so you won’t be upset!  I’m only thinking of you, here!


Done Done

So, now I’m all done, de-cluttering my apartment!  And it’s gonna stay so nice and pret-ty!!

Yeah!   And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you!


And you won’t pay $49.95, or $39.95, not even $29.95!   We’re practically giving them away at the special TV offer of only $19.95!  (Plus separate shipping and handling.)  But, wait! There’s more!  (Billy Mays’ voice)

If you call now, and order in the next 15 minutes, we’ll send you an extra small bridge!

That’s a $70 value, for only $19.95!






 But you must call within the next 15 minutes, or risk being sold out!

Operators are standing by to take your calls.


Lost, Lonely Language

Last night I had the greatest post all planned out in my mind.. So amazing and funny.  But can I think of a word of it today???  Nooooooo, of course not.  sigh

So, what do I do?  Have a blank post here?  Or babble on and on about nonsense to up my pages read?  (Oh, wait, I’m not in the Kindle paid per pages program. Whew!  So, I guess I can cut my losses.)

Lostlanguage is the title of this picture from Wiki Media

Lostlanguage is the title of this picture from Wiki
Media, isn’t that hilarious??  I titled this post before I found the picure!

Okay, then, buh-bye!

(2 second read)

Pudding Pop’s Playful Pastimes

PP loves to come to my house.  Whenever I visit her, she asks, “Howzz, howzz?”   (And who can blame her??? I’m an awesome Omie!!!  If I do say so myself, who shouldn’t!!)

And, I love to have her!

One of her favorite activities:

Playing with rocks!  When DD1 told me that, I couldn’t believe it!  But it’s true!

Picking them out of the garden, throwing them,

Her favorite toys

hiding them,

The Hidey Hole

The Hidey Hole

Sleeping (!!!) with her pet rock!  No pix of this, because she was in the bed with me, as I was trying my best to sleep too!  In a twin bed!!  But here’s the rock.  At least it is smooth, and no one ended up with a goose egg!  Yay!

Night-night lovey

Night-night lovey

More of her favorites: Taking a bath.  A daily must do!!

Enjoying herself at children’s Museum.

Picking perfect periwinkle posies.

pretty purple periwinkles

Purple Periwinkles


Ring around the rosie, with a pole as partner.

Decorating Omie:

Decorating Omie

Decorating Omie

I’m a more than willing canvas!

20150706_132456 Chalking a masterpiece.

And last but not least:

Eating is an all time favorite!

No pix of that either, since it would require showing her face.  DD1 nixes that for security reasons.  I certainly understand after hearing some horror stories.

Hope you enjoyed seeing how my precious plays!

Glasses Galore

I had waaaay too many glasses.


The plastic glasses, the mugs, the grape goblets, the sippy cups, the real glass glasses…



So, I got out my trusty “How to De-Clutter Too Many Glasses” Guide.

#1 said, Get rid of superfluous ones.  So, the glass one with tiny Coke bottles all over it went, because I never used it due to the tile floors.

#2.  If you have a set you like, and use, keep it.  So, I kept the grape goblets.

#3   If you don’t drink coffee, how many mugs do you need?  So, I got rid of a few of those.

#4   If the grand baby still needs a sippy cup, keep at least one.  Done.

#5   Why are you keeping plastic ones that are bent?  So, the Tampa General one that was now oval, instead of round, bit the dust.

#6   Consolidate the shelves.


20150525_181434      Notice the empty shelf above??  Pretty nice, huh?

20150525_181354          I’m allowed to keep these.  Uh, huh!  The book said!

Stuff to donate:

20150525_181608    Yeah, you didn’t see some of these in the befores, because they were in other cabinets. smh  Don’t ask me why!  I don’t have any better idea than you do!

Yes! Fist pump!  Looks so much better now!  And I have a prayer of fitting all my glasses (real glass or not), into my new, tinier kitchen!

I’ll take that as a WIN!