Tiny Tackle

Remember when I de-cluttered the huddles of hangers?

Here ya go, in case you forgot.  (You’re welcome.)


It’s hard to see from this picture, so rest assured, I’ll take a better one.  But there’s a glass aquarium inside the white bucket.

Here ya go, view 2:


(Yup, the bucket bounced into the donate box too.  Just in case you were worried.)

Really?  The last time I remember DD1 having a fish was 4 years ago!

Is she keeping the bowl as a memorium?  RIP, little fishie, RIP.

Now we can get to de-cluttering.  Yay!!  I know you want to!

Since DD1 left it in my house, it’s mine by the rules of possession being 9 tenths of the law.  Plus, finders keepers, losers weepers.

So, off to the donate box it goes, splish, splash. Okay, that’s taken care of (dusting off hands).


Here’s the closet after:


The can of paint?  Hmmm, that’s a harder problem.  I really don’t think Salvation Army would appreciate a half empty can of paint.  But, who knows??  What’s a girl to do, what’s a girl to do?

Probably not a good idea to pour it down the sink??  No, I wasn’t really gonna do that.  It would kill all the little fishies.

Maybe I’ll ask our maintenance men.  Hopefully, I  can pass off the problem to them!!  (Heh, heh, heh)

kitchen clutter

Here are befores of the kitchen counters. All except the one where dirty dishes go to die.

Ain’t going there today.



20150331_12552220150414_221823Yeah!  I got a real before!  Give that girl a gluten free sugar free dairy free brownie!  Will wonders never cease, I even wiped the top, after I decluttered it!  Woot, woot!  I’m on a roll!

The stove before:

20150331_12551520150418_135025After. Yes, I know there’s still 1pan.  But I just cooked(!) and I’m too exhausted to clean it.

See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?  Well, I did have to bend over, to put the pots in the lower cabinet.  That right there, took my breath away, and I had to sit down and recouperate!

The right side of the stove before:

20150331_125507After:  20150414_222100

Look Mama, no clutter!

What? The sticky mess?

You expect me to Clean too?

Whaddaya, new around here?

The right side of the sink:


I even wiped it with a damp paper towel. All that did was remove the dust and a few dead bugs. So I went the extra mile, and broke out the Dawn. Really!  Still didn’t look clean. So,

hang onto your hats; I scrubbed it with a scrubbie sponge! Yes, the green scrubbie side.  I know!  I can’t believe it either!

It still didn’t look clean, but trust me, it is.

(When we moved in, they painted our counter tops.  Now they absorb stains and colors like Silly Putty copies comics.)

BAM!!  No more Kitchen Clutter!  

(Nooooooo, you can’t look to the left of the sink!! Those are dead dishes over there.  Let them RIP.)

the “c” word

Yes I did the “C” word. It’s so awful I don’t even want to tell you what it is.

Oh ok. Cook. Happy now?

I was hungry. No more cereal or instant oatmeal. No frozen waffles etc. What was I to do?  I had to make a decision to get over myself, my laziness, and be a grown up.  It was agony.

How stupid would it be if Brother or Sweet friend came over, and found me dead from starvation, 3 feet away from a kitchen full of food??  Even if it WAS raw food that needed to be cooked??

So… here’s proof:


20150418_13503420150418_135025The pictures cannot lie.  I cooked, in real life!

Good thing I’m into all this homemaking stuff.

I knew where everything was!  AND how to turn on the stove!  And I didn’t set off the fire alarm!!

(I was barefoot, and in the kitchen, but….. haha, you won’t catch me the 3rd thing!!)

All in all, I call it a success.

Purging Purple

Ha, ha, gotcha with that one, huh?  April Fool’s!! I know it’s _21_ days late, but never too late to pull a prank.

I had a whole post about purple things, that was mostly words, since I accidentally hit publish, when I meant to hit save draft.

So, here are the pictures that were supposed to go in that post.  Without further ado, more purple things;

Love these square dishes!

Love these square dishes!

From Sweet Friend

From Sweet Friend


The only reason I sold Tupperware

The only reason I sold Tupperware

From Brother

From Brother

measuring cup

measuring cup

From DH

From DH

Ice cream scoop, believe it or not

Ice cream scoop, believe it or not

From DH

From DH

Publix shopping bag

Publix shopping bag

From Michele G.'s mother

From Michele G.’s mother

Spring Wardrobe from Anonyomous

Spring Wardrobe from Anonyomous

Refridge Refresh

(Will I ever run out of alliterative post titles? Sure hope not!)

Here is my refridge, before the Great Purge of ’15.

20150415_182102And the door20150415_182054

The carrots, and almond milk are good, the water, and the eggs.  Everything else, out the door.  See those containers?  Well, I’m not really sure what’s in them, but they’ve been there for months.  My friend Sheryl, wouldn’t even touch them this time, I imagine!

3 shelves and 2 bins full of food, only half of it permissable.  And half of it, (the containers)  a scary science experiment.  Hopefully you didn’t notice how I artistically placed the pickles over a mess.  No? Whew!  Yes??

Turn away, turn away.

Everything in the door had to go, except the lemon juice.  Thankfully, I was able to pack it all up and donate it to File 13.

Here’s the afters of the freezer, and the door.

20150415_18202020150415_182011 Yes, I realize I need to clean after I purge, but hey, I’m not expecting any refridge and freezer inspectors for at least another 3 months.  Maybe I’ll get a round tuit before then.

Pitiful, isn’t it?  I tell ya, I’m gonna starve!  Anybody remember me mentioning I don’t cook???  Yeah….  Wonder how that’s gonna work out for me….

pantry purge

I decided since I was sick and tired of being sick, and tired, I would be getting rid of wheat, corn,  tomatoes, and gluten.  All of which I am allergic to.  Also all grains, which includes rice.   Almost any thing with a label.  And, much to my sorrow, sugar.  (I gave away 3(3!!) 2 liters of Coke.  I am serious now! ) This comes under Physical recovery.  If I don’t take care of my health, no one else will. Sooo….

I purged the pantry, BIG time.

Flour weevils. Did you know they live in dried pasta? Me either.

Those black dots. Ewwww.

20150414_221650Had to trash those donations.

Here are the bags of stuff, ready to go out into the world and bless others.


This isn’t all the stuff that left, just what I remembered to take pix of!

Cheese, which has annatto, and 6 frozen Banquet meals, and ALL the candy I had hidden in various places.

The neighbors were more than happy to take the stuff off my hands.  Matter of fact, I think they thought I was off my rocker!

Five boxes of saltine crackers???  Really?  Did I expect to be pregnant any time soon? That ship sailed and was scuttled many years ago, thankfully.

Also had to throw away the Miracle Whip, salad dressings, Asian sauce, etc….

Even the peanut butter had sugar in it!  What????

Going to follow Wheat Belly way of eating. Not a diet, a life style change.  If I think of it as a diet, I’ll look forward to the end, so I can eat “normal” again.  If I ever hope to feel better, not like a 92 year old who is about to die,  then it behooves me to start thinking of white sugar, white flour – white death.  My chiropractor BFF, Joyous, has been telling me that for about, oh, 3 decades?  Why, oh why am I so stubborn?  Don’t answer that!

Looks pretty organized right? Just putting like with like. Nothing crazy like alphabetizing!

20150414_133929Sharp eye! Yes, I still have some yakasoba noodles for when PP comes over.  And cup of soups, which I gave to Bubba.

And apparently my helper didn’t realize cans of corn kernels were actually corn. Cuz you know, the label wasnt big enuff print, and the picture was of White corn! Very very tricky!

But with the weevils running around, I guess I really am gonna have to clean. Sigh

At least then my cardboard, I mean rice cakes will be safe.  Oops, I forgot, no grains…. sigh

But seriously, what can I eat???  I’ve already asked for lettuce leaf donations on Facebook.  No response yet.  Maybe I need to start a GoFund Me for vegetables.

Sunday Features Link Party {16}Shared on this Party.

Baubles and Beads Box Bomb

In an effort to prevent world demise, I decided to purge my jewelry box. Um huh, you heard me, my jewelry box. Evidently I believed the 12 in by 6 in box held a bomb capable of destroying the entire planet.  And the only way to prevent that was by purging the contents.  So, like MaCGyver, I defused the situation with only a bobby pin and an old sock.

Yes. My house was a catastrophe. But I was saving the world here! Go me.

Of course no before pix exist.

I was racing the clock  people.

Farewell forever faithful friends. You served me well, but now that you were old and infirm, you are outta here. Lost your mate? Be gone.

Too long? Too grabby? (Catching in my collars and nearly costing me an ear?) see ya.  Your youthful color faded? Hit the bricks.

Also, dumped all posts, because French hooks are sexier.  Just kidding, my fat fingers can no longer put the backs on the posts.

Here are the afters; not organized, but hey, who needs organized when you can finally see what’s there?


So now i have only 3 or 4 pairs of purple earrings left. Waaah.  I need to go shopping! Now I have to save the economy single handed too? I better get the Nobel Peace Prize for this.

Thankfully, the shamrocks survived.


Laundry Litter

Here’s my laundry room closet.  I think it’s not half bad, for a slob.  Believe you me, it could look lots worse.  And it has!  But haha, no before pix so you can’t prove it!  (Raspberry) 20150403_11155520150403_11154720150410_140422   At least the top of the washer is cleared off.  Gotta give me some credit for that! I know, I know.  It would only take a few minutes to clean it all up, nice and neat.  But if you’ve been here before, then you know I should have named this blog “Procrastinating Purple Slob in Recovery”.  Is it too late to add that in there? Maybe tomorrow???20150410_141538    Hey!  Would you just looka there .  I did it!  Hurray!  There just might be hope for me yet!

oh what a web we weave

Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly. I haven’t actually heard any spiders say that, but I know they’re here. 20150410_142314Like this cobweb, in my bedroom. Almost over my bed. Dangling there like the Sword of Damocles, ready to sever my head from my body.


This one is in the living room.  Not sure if the spider has already got some flies in storage or what.  No really anxious to find out either.  Maybe Sweet friend can take of it next time he comes over?  He’s tall.  And a man.  They’re not scared of little things like spiders, right?

Huddles of Hangars (Nope, that would be for planes, try again) Hangers

Huddles of hangers? Groups? A congress of hangers, like for baboons??  Flock?

I don’t know what you call them, but I have 4 of them in 1 (yes, you heard me, one) closet.


Huddle 2

Huddle 2

Huddles 3 & 4

Huddles 3 & 4

Not sure who went to ALL the trouble of lining ’em up all nice and neat, into 4 huddles, but thanks!!


So, now what?? Do I just leave them there, to gaze at fondly, saying, “Wow! Look at how neatly all these hangers are organized!”  That way, I can truly say, I have 1 area under control!  Please, let me leave ’em, Kristen C.!!

Nicole, you will, right?? Pul- eeze??

Ok, fine, meanies.

I’ll donate them, if that’s okay? ( I don’t know if Salvation Army wants these thin ones they give you free with the clothes still on them, but they’re getting them!)  Here they are in the box, ready to go.


Oh, no! they got all tangled again!

Fine, I guess they prefer to huddle together.   Aw, let ’em, they’re on their way out the door, I guess they need all the comfort they can get!