Sewing Sew Sew

What have I gotten myself into now??  I just finished the nieces baby quilt last, last, last Thursday (3 ago).  Now here I am starting ANOTHER quilt??  (For my Sister-in-law, Shirley- ya know, the one I promised Brother last January???)  Am I crazy??  (Well, that’s already well established, no need to answer!)

AND!!!!  I’m planning to do a Thanksgiving dress for PP!!!!!   I AM INSANE!!!

Just purchased the Thanksgiving material, (and Christmas too, if I MUST confess) for PP, on Veteran’s Day.

It was on sale!!  60% off the harvest, and 50% off Christmas!!  With a 40% off coupon!!!  I HAD to buy it!! Right then!!

(Even though I had to borrow the money, totally worth it!! to me, anyway!!)

I’m gonna be busier than “2 squirrels in a wool sock”!  (Thanks, Cindy D. for that saying!)

Shirley did come over and cut up all the squares, which I can’t do.  (Remember that pesky little wreck, back in February??

Boy, I do.  Every time I try to use my left arm!)

Here they are, in all their freshly cut glory:

cut quilt squares

Shirley’s squares




Gorgeous colors!  Brother picked them out, and he’s color blind!  Kudos to him!



Here is the material for PP’s Thanksgiving dress.  I just love these turkeys!!  Who could resist such cuteness??

cartoon turkey material

And I’m going to!


And ta-da!  Behold the Christmas dress raw materials.  PP picked these out herself!!  What an eye!

Oops!  I forgot to take that pic, again!  Bad slogger, bad slogger!   Meantime, please enjoy this lovely

Pic of Jackie and JFK, in their Christmas outfits.   Off to take that pesky pic!   (Unless I forget again….)

JFK Jackie Christmas tree

KN-C25669 12 December 1962 President and Mrs. Kennedy pose in front of the White House Christmas Tree during the Staff Christmas Reception. White House, Entrance Hall. Photograph by Robert Knudsen, White House, in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston.







Okay, so now I gotta chain myself to the machine again!  Hope I get let off for Thanksgiving dinner!  (Well, that will probably depend on how fast I get the turkey dress done!!)  If you don’t hear from me in about a week, please send food and water!!

Quazily Quilting

Okay, here it is Wed. night, and SURPRISE!    I’m not done.   (Anyone surprised?  Anyone????)

Feverishly, I have been quilting.  (Why can’t I find a “q” word for feverishly??   Possibly because I’m quazy, and it don’t exist.   Naaah, that can’t be it.)

Anyhoo, the front is looking good!

front of quilt

Pardon me, my knee.

And the back’s not too shabby itself!

back of quilt

Back of quilt, with just a little wrinkle in time.

The back doesn’t have the same diagonal patterns.  I wanted to change it up some, so it has 4 squares in a block.

Different, but still co-ordinated.

underside of quilt

Here’s the underside. Just had to show off those gorgeous seams!!

And look how perfectly those seams match:

mismatched seams

Oops! Editing FAIL.

Okay,  quit messing around!

Look how perfectly these seams match!!

perfectly matched seams

Aaaahhh! Perfection!

So, here it is :  the back is fini!!  Yay!  Can I get a communal big sigh of relief, please??  Thank you for your support!

Now, I have 2 whole days to finish the front and get it quilted.  Easy Peasy!  Just like Stella‘s comments!

(She’s a fellow seamstress, so just shamelessly plugging a friend’s site!)

SInce I’m off the chain for a few minutes, I’m gonna go get some food.  See ya tomorrow, with another update!  Same Bat time, same Bat channel!

Dishes, Dishes, Dreaded Ding Dong Dishes

Man, you think I’d be done writing about dishes!  Ah so, ah no!

This past weekend, I had PP.   I love having her so much!

But: she wears me out!  I tend to her, and (maybe) get a bath too, but that’s it!  No cleaning, dishes or laundry on her watch! lol

So, when she left Sunday night, and there was a full sink of dishes, did I jump in there like a good lil housekeeper, and do ’em all up?

me sleep 154

Yeah, right!  If you’ve been here very long, you know the answer is a resounding NO!

Anyway, there sat the pitiful, but still pretty!, dang dirty dishes.

BUT!  to rejuvenate, first I had to sleep 12 hours.  Yes, I sleep 12 hours, and your point?

When I came into the kitchen to find food,  there they were, staring at me, mocking me:  “Purple Slob in Recovery, huh?  Recover this!”

me sleep 154

Ooooohhh, I despised them at that moment.

So, I did what any good slob would do, I ignored them, and ate my breakfast.  (A non-dish-requiring breakfast of fresh blueberries, outta the container, and a cheese stick.)

no dishes needed

no dishes needed


Then, s l o w l y, I dragged myself back into the kitchen, and confronted them.

“You’re going down, today, Sassy Pants!”


So I organized them, dumped the contents, re-arranged them, alphabetized them…..

And after starting to think I might actually have to DO them, I caught myself.  Wait!  I’m a slogger!! (slob-blogger for you new followers.)  I HAVE to take pix for the blog!!

So, I stretched that out as long as I could….

Here they are stacked nicely

Here they are stacked nicely, sorta….

Okay, fine!  I’ll do the dishes!  But only so they can’t mock me anymore!

free fun friday

Home Matters Party

waiting on wednesday

grandma ideas sharing time link party

two uses tuesday

I was Nominated for a Liebster Award!!



I was nominated for a  Liebster Award!  Time to CELEBRATE!  See ya later!  Just Kiddin! It’s a nomination given to smaller bloggers by other smaller bloggers . It’s a fun way to be recognized and acknowledge other bloggers, and help readers discover great content as well!

I was nominated by Angela over on Setting My Intention. I accept, Angela!  Thank you so much!


  1. Link back to the person who nominated you. (done)
  2. Answer the questions given to you by the nominator. (fixin’ to do)
  3. Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.  (oooh, now I gotta do math???)
  4. Create 11 questions for the nominees.  (hope it’s ok if I cheat, and use some of Angela’s!!  Thanks, girl!)
  5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.  (sigh, more work?? Just Kiddin!  Y’all know I love ya!)


1. When did you start blogging and why?

August 2014.  Because I needed a way to force myself to start cleaning my house!  (And I love to talk about  myself!)

2. When you’re not blogging, what would we find you doing?

Ummm, reading other blogs!  Napping!  Playing with Pudding Pop, my grand baby!  Last but not least,


3. What book are you currently reading?

The Bible.  I try to make sure I read it every day.

My latest, and newest favorite

My latest, and newest favorite

4. What’s your favorite food?

That’s a hard one.  I love nearly every food I’ve ever put in my mouth!  Except octopus, and squid!  I don’t like feeling like things are trying to crawl back up my throat!

potholder 009

5. What’s your favorite way to exercise and get movement in your day?

Does typing count?  Doing finger plays with Pudding Pop?

6. How do you relieve stress?

Getting a massage at my chiropractor’s is always good!

7. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

When people read it, and comment!  Comments are oxygen to me!

8. What is the most challenging thing about blogging?

The technical aspects of it.  Trying to figure out how to do something that I want to do, and don’t know how.

9. If you were gifted $150, how would you treat yourself?

Go out to dinner at Ling’s.  Buy a good Christian book.  Buy something purple.

I even used them, twice!

I even used them, twice!

Spend at least $50 of it on Pudding Pop.  (Are ya sensing a theme here?  That little girl owns my heart!)

10. What is your favorite quote or saying?

John 3:16  “For God so loved the World, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

11. What quality or characteristic do you most love about yourself?

That I smile a lot when I’m happy.

20150712_142212 Oops! That’s not a smile, is it?













 I hope y’all  accept the award – I can’t wait to see your answers!



1. When did you start blogging and why?

2. What is your favorite childhood memory?

3. What book are you currently reading?

4. What’s your favorite color?

5. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

6. Close your eyes, and describe a vivid scent memory.

7. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, no cost, where would you go?

9. Why did you choose that particular place?

10. If you were gifted $150, how would you treat yourself?

11. Miss America, how will you bring world peace?

Thank you again,  Angela for the nomination!



creat link inspire

Cheesy cake

Making a GF cheesecake!!  Yummy!! Can’t wait!  Hurry fingers, hurry!

Here’s what not to do, when separating out the egg whites:



Grease the pan.  Maybe this should have come first??


Dry ingredients:

(Shopping for almond flour is expensive!!)

20150520_101811Mixing all ingredients.

20150521_220336Here’s where I got the recipe.

Party in my mouth!

Gluten free.


Enjoyed by all.  After they got over the shock of it actually tasting good!

Only appliances needed; mixer and oven.

It’s work, but well worth it.    Food = happiness!

20150516_163648Bet you want some Smell-O-Vision today, huh??  😉


Nominated for Sisterhood of the World Award!!


Gail from  Snapshots in cursive nominated me for the  Sisterhood of the World award.

I’m speechless.

And very grateful, as well!

Thank you, Gail!


* Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
* Answer the 10 questions given to you.

* Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of their choice and let them know that they have been nominated.

* Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog.

Here they are:

1. On the bad days, how do you cheer yourself up?

A- Singing hymns, and Scripture songs always helps.  Also, talking to my brother!

2. Which is your favourite food?
A- It used to be bread, any kind.  Now that I’m gluten free, I’m really beginning to enjoy fresh vegetables more.

3. How do you let go?
A- Read a novel, or color a picture.

4. How much do you value ‘silence’?
A- So, so much!  My house is finally quiet after many years, and I just sit, soaking it in.

5. Will you hurt someone intentionally or lie to make them feel better?
A-  No, I don’t intentionally hurt people.  Sometimes I do, because I often speak before I think.  Trying to work on that bad habit.

6. Do you have faith in humanity? why or why not?
A- No, not really.  I know humanity is fallen, from Adam and Eve sinning.  Our only hope is through Jesus Christ, and His atoning blood.

7. One thing you really wish could come true?
A- To have an air conditioned vehicle again!  I live in Florida, and I melt every time I have to drive.

8. If you had to sum up your life in 10 or less words, what would they be?
A- A sinner saved by grace.  Love my girls, and family.

9. How do you express anger?
A- Too often, by sleeping.

10. What is the one thing that will turn you completely off about a person?
A- Bad grammar.  When I was in 8th grade, I red lined all my boyfriend’s love letters, and sent them back to him for correction.  What a word snob!
My List of Nominations Include:








the “c” word

Yes I did the “C” word. It’s so awful I don’t even want to tell you what it is.

Oh ok. Cook. Happy now?

I was hungry. No more cereal or instant oatmeal. No frozen waffles etc. What was I to do?  I had to make a decision to get over myself, my laziness, and be a grown up.  It was agony.

How stupid would it be if Brother or Sweet friend came over, and found me dead from starvation, 3 feet away from a kitchen full of food??  Even if it WAS raw food that needed to be cooked??

So… here’s proof:


20150418_13503420150418_135025The pictures cannot lie.  I cooked, in real life!

Good thing I’m into all this homemaking stuff.

I knew where everything was!  AND how to turn on the stove!  And I didn’t set off the fire alarm!!

(I was barefoot, and in the kitchen, but….. haha, you won’t catch me the 3rd thing!!)

All in all, I call it a success.