Under Cover, Under Counter

This looks bad, I know.

Right side

Right side

Left side

Left side

This is another one of those cases where you just need to be grateful we don’t have smell-o-vision.

Yeah, it kinda… um, how can I put this delicately… stinks.  Like mildew.

Now, I wasn’t aware that the sink leaked.  Until the day when I needed a cleaning wipe.  Yeah, remember that 1 day when I actually cleaned the sink???

I reached under there, and that whole towel was wet.  Nasty surprise!  But did I do anything about it?  Like remove it?  Throw it away?? C’mon, you know me better than that by now!!  (For those of you who are new, I’m lazy, and a slob– SHOCKER- right?  And a big time procrastinator.  That’s all, back to your regularly scheduled post.)

Sadly, that wet towel is still there, stinking, to this day. sniff, sniff  (It’s my allergies, I’m not crying over spilled milk, or whatever the heck that liquid is.  Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.)

Well, I found out it was only water, (YAY) and not from the sink (double yay!).  Did you see the plastic jugs to the left of the pipe?  Turns out there were 3 of ’em full of water, for our emergency stash.  Until suddenly, no water at all!  Not sure what happened, but there’s holes in them now.  At least now I won’t be afraid to take up the towel, YAY!  Maybe I’ll even do it now!  {Here’s hoping!}

You’ll be happy to know, the under counter was cleaned by the time I moved out, on June 30, 2015.  Yay, me!  (Or whomever cleaned it, who may or may not have been me.  Hint: It wasn’t me.)

(I’m so frustrated with myself right now.  I took a picture of the cleaned space.  But now I can’t find it.  (Typical slob prob.  Maybe I need to… organize (GASP!) the way I do my pix?)


15 thoughts on “Under Cover, Under Counter

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