T(r)ank Trouble

Oh the multi-splendored joys of home ownership.  (Did the sarcasm come thru okay?)

I’m having…. tank troubles… as in my toilet tank.

I love the color, but I'm very puzzled. How do you flush it??

I love the color, but I’m very puzzled. How do you flush it??

It worked when I first moved in,

This is how it's SUPPOSED to work.

This is how it’s SUPPOSED to work.

then suddenly it wouldn’t flush.  Called in the handyman, better known as sweet friend, the chain was broken.   A few minutes and 1 bent paper clip later

Office supply masquerades as plumbing fix

Office supply masquerades as plumbing fix

Ta Da!  It worked again!  Magic!  (BUT!!  the chain was TOO long now, so you had to lift the tank lid a little, so the doo-hickey wouldn’t hit the top.) sigh  (Of COURSE it was too long, did ya SEE the size of that paper clip???)

That’s okay, I just waited till it broke again, and asked for a smaller paper clip.  Ain’t I brilliant!!   (I didn’t get that college degree fer nuttin, ya know!)

A little later, it was running all the time, and wouldn’t flush AGAIN!!   This time, the rubber gasket was not sealing right, so it constantly drained.  And wouldn’t you know it, all these things ALWAYS happened in the middle of the night!   How does that HAPPEN???

Want to! Just can't!

Want to! Just can’t!  I wish this sign hadn’t been written in invisible ink!!

So, once again, a SOS call went out.  (in the morning!  I didn’t call him right then.  I’m not a sadist.)  Like magic, he fixed in a trice.  (Don’t ya just love that word – trice??  We need to start a campaign to bring it back into popular circulation!   Who’s with me??)

Several weeks go by, then a repeat of the same frustration.  ERGH!  So, I decided to take a peek for myself.  This time, the top link had slipped out of the hole in the end of the stick.  (There’s probably a real name for it – flush lever?? )
nasty toilet lever(not my toilet- you can find anything on google!)

Tried to mend it, but failed.  Probably due to my fat fingers, and being wet.  Yes, yes, that’s it! Because my fingers were wet!   So humiliating to be toilet- flushable- challenged.

Emoji_u1f626.svg                                                                                           depends

And, here I sit blogging, instead of asking for help.  Thinking about buying stock in Depends.

Home Matters Party

free fun friday

Beautifully Creative Inspired  A brand new party!!  Woo hoo!  Thanks, Shanice, for the invite!

Inspire Me Monday party

Ceiling Situation

One night, I was laying on my bed, on my back, looking up.  I thought

“Hmmm, that looks funny.”

me sleep 076

me sleep 078

Like a dummy, I gave it a poke.  Can you say DUMB???


There was a wet me, a wet pillow, and a wet bed.

It’s a good thing I have another bed to roll onto!!

The next day:

DH rode to the rescue.

Dh's handy dandy knife

Dh’s handy dandy knife

After moving the beds and getting a bucket, he made a slit in the ceiling tile, with his handy dandy knife.  He’s a lot smarter than I was!

The ceiling must relieve itself.

The ceiling must relieve itself.

Now we’ll see how long it takes to get the roof fixed.  Oh the joys of home ownership.


Update:  2 days later, he borrowed a ladder, got some gunk, and painted the roof.  Hasn’t leaked yet!  Here’s hoping!!

waiting on wednesday

free fun friday

Home Matters Party

Monday Madness party

Inspire Me Monday party

totally terrific tuesday

Under Cover, Under Counter

This looks bad, I know.

Right side

Right side

Left side

Left side

This is another one of those cases where you just need to be grateful we don’t have smell-o-vision.

Yeah, it kinda… um, how can I put this delicately… stinks.  Like mildew.

Now, I wasn’t aware that the sink leaked.  Until the day when I needed a cleaning wipe.  Yeah, remember that 1 day when I actually cleaned the sink???

I reached under there, and that whole towel was wet.  Nasty surprise!  But did I do anything about it?  Like remove it?  Throw it away?? C’mon, you know me better than that by now!!  (For those of you who are new, I’m lazy, and a slob– SHOCKER- right?  And a big time procrastinator.  That’s all, back to your regularly scheduled post.)

Sadly, that wet towel is still there, stinking, to this day. sniff, sniff  (It’s my allergies, I’m not crying over spilled milk, or whatever the heck that liquid is.  Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.)

Well, I found out it was only water, (YAY) and not from the sink (double yay!).  Did you see the plastic jugs to the left of the pipe?  Turns out there were 3 of ’em full of water, for our emergency stash.  Until suddenly, no water at all!  Not sure what happened, but there’s holes in them now.  At least now I won’t be afraid to take up the towel, YAY!  Maybe I’ll even do it now!  {Here’s hoping!}

You’ll be happy to know, the under counter was cleaned by the time I moved out, on June 30, 2015.  Yay, me!  (Or whomever cleaned it, who may or may not have been me.  Hint: It wasn’t me.)

(I’m so frustrated with myself right now.  I took a picture of the cleaned space.  But now I can’t find it.  (Typical slob prob.  Maybe I need to… organize (GASP!) the way I do my pix?)
