Paperless Problem

Good thing I was already sitting down, because a horrible thing happened.  I had run outta tp!

This is shocking!!!   A tragedy of Herculean proportions for a Hawkins!  (my maiden name)

empty toilet paper roll

It hasn’t happened in years, and YEARS!!   (I have a serious phobia of running out, due to being really poor during childhood, and all the hideous experiences with running out of tp.  Nope, can’t even talk about it.  You don’t know what I suffered as a child!

Well, if you must know, it started out with the kleenex, which was fine.  Then it was the paper napkins, NOT fine!!  Then the paper towels, worse than NOT fine!!  And more worser- you can’t flush them!!!   Then Sears catalogs, then finally corn cobs!

corn cob

 True story! It happened in Grma’s out house!!  She was renovating the real bathroom at the time.  And it wasn’t long, but it felt like an ETERNITY!!   That’s when I almost didn’t go for a week!  (haha  Scared of spiders, snakes, and that ain’t what it takes to love me…)

I have PTTPLSD because of it all.   Post-Traumatic-Toilet-Paper-Lessness-Stress Disorder.  They had to create a new category in the DSM-V just for me.

toothbrush hates his job

So, there I was.   Stumped, had to think hard!  Ended up, having to use kleenex.   sigh   Coulda been worse!!  What if I’d only had paper towels??????   ARGH!  {runs screaming into the night at even the THOUGHT of it!}

toilet paper hoard

I’m not sure I have enough yet. Maybe 1 more trip??

Now I’m set!


I just had the sickening feeling of the world tilting on its axis.  Horrible feeling!  Anchored to nothing, about to spin out into space!  Anxiety riding high!  Whatever in the world is wrong??  What’s happening??  Questions churning through my mind, even as my body is spinning in chaos…..

I quickly ran thru scenarios in my brain…..

Ahhh- that’s it!  I haven’t seen PP in over 24 hours!

wild eyed woman

what IS that HAIRY thing down there??? Oh, whew, it’s only my leg….

 It was grand baby withdrawals!  Baby DTs are nothing to sneeze at!!

But, now that I can rest assured I’m not dying, and the world isn’t ending…. (at least not this minute)……

I take a deep breath, and repeat after myself, “It’s okay. I saw her 30 hours ago, and I will see her again soon.  I will see her again soon.”

A comforting chorus of “PP loves me so much!!!”  softly playing in the background, lulls me off back to sleep, with a contented smile on my face.

back to sleepOf course I sleep sitting up!  Don’t you??  Oh alright, I admit it.  I adapted these photos that I’d taken for something else.

Love/Hate Challenge

Beautiful Himali, from decodinghappyness has nominated me for a challenge.

                                      Love – Hate !

Read here: love-hate

  • List 10 things that you love.
  • List 10 things that you hate.
  • Nominate fellow bloggers to take the challenge.


So, here goes:


  1.  Jesus/God/Holy Spirit  (They’re the same, 3 persons in 1 Godhead.)
  2. My husband, DH
  3. My 2 daughters, DD1, DD2
  4. My grand baby, Pudding Pop
  5. Mamafirst established
  6. My family; nuclear,first established , this established, and extended
  7. PURPLE!!!  (Y’all knew that one was coming, right??)
  8. Losing weight
  9. The Bible
  10. Blogging, my new addiction

Hates:  Hmmmm, this is harder.

  1.  Bad grammar, especially in a love letter.  In 8th grade, I red-lined all my boyfriend’s love letters, and sent them back for editing!  Yes, I really did!  The gall!
  2. Long hair, on me.  I whack it off every chance I get.  When my girls were in Elementary school, I even shaved my head, much to their chagrin, and Mama’s horror!
  3. Shaving my legs.  Enough said.
  4. Abortion.  This is serious, I just couldn’t be all funny, without speaking up for the unborn.  They are precious little lives, no matter what stage of gestation.
  5. Frustation!  I’m not the most techie person in the world, so I get upset when I can’t just do what I want to do!  Why don’t I have a computer I can just speak to, and it instantly does my bidding????  WHY????
  6. Not having a sarcasm font.  I’ve asked for it enough times.  Someone should have invented this already!!
  7. Green. Yuck!
  8. Sushi.  Just the thought of it makes me queasy.  Believe me, I’ve eaten my share of stuff, so let me slide, okay?  Thanks!
  9. Running out of ice… and since I live alone, this would be the fault of ?????
  10. When I don’t get a nap.  So does everyone around me hate when this happens!!  (Can you say Grumpy?  I thought you could.)

Okay, so there’s that, then.  Onto the nominations.  And the awards go to:






oh my heartsie girl WW

tuesday talk

two uses tuesday

Beautifully Creative Inspired

Strawberry Scribblings

And wrote!  And if you want to read what she wrote, start here:

First Day.

How long ago did you guess that Strawberry Girl was me?

Thank you sweet friend for the editorial comment.

Thank you sweet friend for the editorial comment.

I have gone thru many things in my life, that’s true.  But they have all contributed to making me who I am today.

And I like that person- me.

I like me. Matter of fact, I loooove me. Kiss, kiss

I like me. Matter of fact, I loooove me. Kiss, kiss

Air kisses

Air kisses

Strawberry Girl- Purple Slob in Recovery- Melinda.


Sticking out my tongue at sweet friend, not at you!

Sticking out my tongue at sweet friend, not at you! The background is my writing cave, here at sweet friend’s house.

Now you know the rest of the story.

(and oh yeah, I do have a strawberry mark.   These things HURT!!)

Strawberry tat

Strawberry tat

This one was a selfie.

Photography credit: Sweet friend’s web cam, for the top three pix.


grandma idea

inspire mon



totally terrific tuesday

Strawberry School

If you missed any of the story: go here:

Part 1, Strawberry City, part 2, Man Giant, part 3, Strawberry Banquet, part 4, Strawberry Love, part 5, Strawberry Slush, part 6, Strawberry Sickness, part 7, Strawberry Daiquiri.

divorce Strawberry Girl.  She had so many problems, and acted out against what she should be doing, and damaged her marriage.

It was a sad time for the whole family.


But, life went on…

Fast forward several years.  Strawberry Girl met and married Ranch Man.


She was still acting out, and doing wrong stuff. Her girls had both decided to go live with Man Giant.


Strawberry Girl was so sad, but she knew it was best for the girls.

Strawberry Girl decided to start teaching again, because she really hadn’t been using her mind for a long time.

It was okay for 2 years.  Then, she was diagnosed with Manic Depression.  Finally, everything started to make sense.  Her drinking, depression, and other things were all part of another disease.  It helped Strawberry Girl to get on the right kind of medication.


Mama had come back to live with her again, so Strawberry Girl once again had someone cleaning up her messes, and clutter.  So, she got along for a while.

Then, tragedy struck.  Strawberry Girl had a nervous breakdown, and had to go back to the hospital.


She couldn’t work for 9 months.  And, it happened again, several times.

The 3rd time, Strawberry Girl realized she better quit teaching while she could still be coherent.  So, she got on disability.

About this time, the first Strawberry Giant Daughter came back to live with Strawberry Girl, and Ranch Man.

This led to interesting adventures, but they’re not part of this story, alas.  Maybe another day….

Strawberry Giant Daughter fell in love……..

To Be Continued….


strawberry love

(In case you missed them, part one, Strawberry City,  part two, Man Giant,  and part three, Strawberry Banquet.)


Joyfully, Man Giant, knelt down, asked 1 final time for Strawberry Girl’s hand in marriage.

After hearing her “Yes!”, he put the sparkling diamond on her hand, that he had been carrying in his pocket for so long.


At last, they were Engaged!

Strawberry Girl, and Man Giant were so happy!

Of course, they had a perfect purple wedding, with Tiny Noel as the Best Man.  Strawberry Girl’s Sis, and Aunt were her attendants.


The Honeymoon was in a castle, on the beach.  What a wonderful time they had, just being together.

But, when they got home, and began living together, Man Giant began being  puzzled at the messes, and clutter that seemed to follow Strawberry Girl, wherever she went.  Before, he had been so blindly in love, that he never noticed.


“Just clean up”, he tells her.

Strawberry Girl struggles to clean, and organize, but it’s the same trouble she’s always had.  Man Giant helps her clean, and organize, but still doesn’t understand why she can’t do it herself.

In due time, Baby Strawberry Giant arrives, to every one’s great delight!

To be continued……

strawberry banquet

(If you missed it, part one, Strawberry City,  and part two, Man Giant here.)

The Charger had gone over a cliff!  He slid down to the bottom, and regained his hooves, shaking in fear, and with the cold.

Man Giant


swept Strawberry Girl off the horse into his arms.

Rain mingled with the tears on both their faces.


Strawberry Girl wept, “Can I ever thank you enough for saving my life?”

Man Giant,  who was no dummy, asked for her hand in marriage.

Confused,and still shaken up, she rebuffed him.

But Man Giant continued to show her true love. And, he always asked for her hand in marriage, after each date.

Eventually, even he grew weary of asking, and being rejected.

Meanwhile, Strawberry Girl begins to realize love is beginning in her heart, due to his careful cherishing of her, and the way Man Giant demonstrated true, Biblical love, in every circumstance.

The time of love arrives, the special day set apart to celebrate true love.


Man Giant invites Strawberry Girl to a special banquet, with all her favorite foods, embellished with all her favorite purple flowers.


After the delicious food was all consumed, Strawberry Girl grabbed Man Giant’s hand.

And started her carefully planned speech.

“Man Giant, you’ve shown me nothing but true love, and I have rejected you all this time.  Please forgive me for hurting you so, when all you have done is love me.  If you will ask me again, the question you always ask, I will say….”

To be continued…

inspire mon
