Brotherhood of the World

Lady Sunshine nominated me for a Brotherhood of the World Award.   Thank you, Lady Sunshine!!


Here are the rules:
Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
List the Rules and Display the Brotherhood of the world Award logo to your post and/or blog.
Answer the questions set to you.
Nominate around ten bloggers.
Create your set of questions for your nominees.

Lady Sunshine’s questions for me :

1. What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?

I’ve had several nicknames throughout my life.  One was Mel, when I was going thru my rebellious, “I hate my name” stage.  Then in 8th grade, I named myself Mindy.  Now of course, I’m “Purple Slob”.

2. What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

My Bible.  I try to always read it every day.  I say try.  And, I have a book, “Season of Angels” , Debbie Macomber that I’m wanting to read.

3.What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive?

Sometimes I get up and read, or get on FB.  Sometimes I eat!  Bad me, bad me!

⁴. How many days could you last in solitary confinement? How would you do it?

I think I could last awhile, if I had books, and paper and pen.  Maybe some crayons, and coloring book.   But, they are gonna feed me, right???
5. When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost?

 Oh, I definitely make my presence known!  I am a big time par-tay girl!  Love to be the center of attention!!
6. What is your strongest sense? If you had to give one up, which would it be?

 I think seeing would be my strongest, even though I need glasses now! lol  Hmmmm, if I had to give one up??

     I guess I’d choose smelling to let go of.  I would never want to be blind, or deaf, or unable to feel.

Now, I get to ask the questions.  Sunshine gave me such thought provoking ones, I need to dig deep to come up with some great ones, too!

My questions for y’all:

  1. Boxers or briefs?  Not really, I just couldn’t resist.  DO NOT ANSWER THIS!!
  2. Which is more important to you in a relationship, looks or personality?
  3. How did you decide to start blogging?
  4. What is your definition of Brotherhood?
  5. How do you define happiness?
  6. Are you a slob, or a cleanie?
  7. What was the name of your first childhood pet, and what was it?
  8. Who is your favorite relative?
  9. And why?

My nominees:


Smiling Notes








Bettylouise  ‘s blog is an Award Free Blog.  Which I didn’t notice, till I popped over to give it to her.  Oops!

I look forward to reading your answers!

two uses tuesday

Inspire Me Monday party

The Tale of Two Tiny Tables

In the theme of chipping away at the mountain, here is the tale of 2 tiny tables.

20150330_220752This is the tray table to the left of my recliner.  It’s not a true before, cuz I had already moved some books and mail.  (That troubling memory blip of forgetting to take “befores”!  Will I ever remember????)

There’s cookies, not the healthiest of breakfasts, but hey, I’m grown!  A library book, my black cherry Coke,(oh, you didn’t know Coke made a black cherry flavor?  I’m a cracker from Fl. all soft drinks are Coke, even Pepsi.  Sorry, Jan S.!) and my Bible, plus assorted hair bows, lip balms, and nose spray.

Then, I did a little decluttering, putting things where they belong, (Look, Nicole!! I did it!!) and voila!

20150331_143955  The Bible, and 1 book stay, because I’m actively reading them.  My drink stays because I’m too lazy to go to the kitchen every 2 minutes, when I’m thirsty!  Don’t judge!  And the candy??  Well, I’m quite sure it won’t stay very long!  It’s Dove Dark!

DO NOT LOOK AT THE KITCHEN BAR BEHIND THE TRAY TABLE!!  I’ve been given permission to just go slow, and do a few, (or even one, if that’s all I can do) things a day.  The kitchen bar, and counters, etc are a whole week’s worth of work, at my sloth pace.

Here’s is PP’s petite dining table, before.  Yay! A real before!  I can do it!!  (Actually, the books and mail were on the tray table, I had just shifted them before the before.  You caught me, Shirley.)

20150331_144500  After some decluttering, (and yes, Shirley, I did take all the stuff to its homes. Not just outta camera range.)

20150331_144932 Ta da!  All nice and clean.  Well, decluttered anyway.  I don’t think I’ll bother cleaning off the crayon.  Not till she’s got the “only color on paper” thing down pat!

Thus endeth the tale of two tiny tables.  I dideth terrific.