Silly Soap

Nope, it wasn’t the soap that was silly, it was me.  Shock, shock, right??

Remember last year when I was pontificating about being too old to use broken, ugly stuff??  

Well, then what was the justification for this???

used soap bottle

Fancy dancy soap dispenser, order yours now!

Um, straight up laziness, is all I can plead.  No excuses, especially since I’m even older than when I wrote that!

Even worse, look at the counter.  Shameful, shame I say.

messy bathroom counter

Shock and horror that a slob would have a mess!

And nobody to blame but myself.   So annoying!   Sometimes, I regret living alone!  At least when 1 other person lived with me, I could always delude myself that everything was their fault!  (Even when it wasn’t, as was usually the case, if I have to be honest.)

There, now isn’t that better??

lavender soap dispenser

Ah! Lavender, my love!

And it took all of maybe 60 seconds to pour the soap in it, and throw away recycle the bottle.  Take that, laziness!

I even took a few extra seconds, to wipe down the counter and throw away the bowl.  (Yes, it’s been sitting there for over a month, and…..?  The point is, it’s gone now.  Just be happy.)

clean bath counter

So, so pretty!  Thank you, Jeanette, my neighbor for the lovely lavender soap dispenser.  (She doesn’t even like purple, of any shade.  GASP!  I know!  I feel sorry for her too!)

Inspire Me Monday party

Done Done

So, now I’m all done, de-cluttering my apartment!  And it’s gonna stay so nice and pret-ty!!

Yeah!   And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you!


And you won’t pay $49.95, or $39.95, not even $29.95!   We’re practically giving them away at the special TV offer of only $19.95!  (Plus separate shipping and handling.)  But, wait! There’s more!  (Billy Mays’ voice)

If you call now, and order in the next 15 minutes, we’ll send you an extra small bridge!

That’s a $70 value, for only $19.95!






 But you must call within the next 15 minutes, or risk being sold out!

Operators are standing by to take your calls.


New Dispenser

This was my soap dispenser after I threw away the pretty, rose one.

Classy, huh?

Classy, huh?

This is the pretty rose one, in case you forgot.


But then I bought a plain, white plastic one and had it spray painted purple.  Gorgeous , huh? And cheap too!


Also, here is the ugly (even though it’s purple) plastic glass (well, what do you call ’em?) I used as a toothbrush holder.


Now here is my new,pretty, purple one, that’s a real toothbrush holder!


(It was a cheap white plastic one too, that was sprayed painted).

Spray Paint is the best invention since Finger Paint! (HA! Bet you thought I was gonna say sliced bread, didn’t ya? huh? LOL)

Now my bathroom is a little bit prettier, with no old, broken or misused pieces. YAY!