5 Photos, 5 Stories Challenge

My friend, Sherri, challenged me this waaay back in July.  I told her I’d try, when I got  around to it.


Well, I found one, so here it is!  Thanks, Sherri!

“Finally, for today’s challenge, I am nominating new blogging friend Melinda frompurpleslobinrecovery.  No obligation Melinda, but if you do decide to take up the challenge, I set only one rule:  Have Fun!!”

No rules???  Oh no!!!  Lots and LOTS could go wrong, if I just run around without any rules to rein me in!!

Be afraid, folks, be very afraid!

Well, if you’re willing to go along with me, here goes:

Photo #1

Me, (YES, really me! 3 decades ago)

Me, (YES, really me! 3 decades ago)

This is Allen C.  I won’t say his full name, to protect the innocent. lol

We were on our way to my Senior Banquet at Southeastern College, now Southeastern University.  (Even my college grew up!)

I was sooooo in love with this man. (Yes, he was a man! He had his own place, and a job!!)

Shamefully, I invited him, instead of waiting for him to take the million-and-one hints, I kept dropping, everytime I saw him.  At church, and when we got together at his house for dinner.  (Was it really a date, if I ended up doing the dishes EVERY time??)

Anyhoo, he accepted, and away we went.  Don’t we look so purdy?  (For awhile I dreamed this was our wedding photo!  Don’t judge!)

The banquet was a blast!  Why a banquet instead of a prom?  It was a Bible College, and no dancing allowed!  It’s okay, we still knew how to have fun!!  And laugh!!  (Without drinking, too!)

Afterwards, we changed into jeans, and walked on the beach barefooted, in the moonlight.  So romantic…..


Poor guy, he’s lucky I didn’t propose to him!

inspire mon

totally terrific tuesday

Ingrown, Outgrown

When you get too big for your britches, you say you’ve outgrown them.

So, when you have shrunk down a size, do you say you’ve ingrown them??

All this is very relevant to me today, because…. Wait for it…..

I’ve lost 1 pant size!!

So excited!

Last few days I’ve noticed my jeans being a little loose.  The 2nd day I wore them, they were so loose, I had to clutch them to keep them up.

Yes, I wear my jeans 2 days in a row.  Gasp.

Don’t you judge me!  I know some of you do it too!  You just don’t say it out loud to 40 people like I do!

(This was waaay back in June.  Now it’s probably another size, but I can’t afford to go get a new pair of pants to find out!)


AHA!  The light comes on!

AHA! The light comes on!

I can go to the store, try them on, and NOT buy them!  What???? That is pure heresy !!  How will the stores make any money, if everybody did that?  Well….

  1. Not everybody is losing weight, like me.
  2. Not everybody is dirt poor, like me.
  3. Not everybody is shooting for minimalism, like me.
  4. Not everybody is creative, like me.
  5. Not everybody is willing to do whatever it takes, to find out their new pants size, like me!
  6. Not everybody toots their own horn, like me!

Enough already!  😉

So, maybe I will, or maybe I won’t, go try on pants and not buy.  If this offends your sensibilities, I won’t tell ya, so you won’t be upset!  I’m only thinking of you, here!



Clothes and Carmen

Carmen, if it’s about clothes, you have to be included!

Here’s my closet.


Do I have too many clothes?

Just reading a blog the other day, (I think it was Nony from ASlobComesClean.com) about having too many clothes.

And how most of us wear only 20% of our clothes for 80% of the time.  What?? That sounds cray-cray!

I wear mine, all of them!  (As soon as they’re clean! And I can find them in the pile.)  But, I must admit, I do have favorites, and unfavorites.  I hate stuff up on my neck, so if it’s a crew neck, I try to avoid wearing that.

20150419_151632     Oops, didn’t see the stain!

( That’s how you’ll know it’s laundry day! )

And of course, purple(lavender) has precedence over ANY other color.


But, my lavender jeans, that are long enough!!!! do not stay zipped.  And last time they did that, I was in church… walking in front of half the congregation, to get out the side door, on a walker, herding a screaming toddler…. Yeah, you can imagine how that went!  Thank God I was wearing purple undies!  And a long shirt!  So, maybe no one noticed…. Right…

(where’s that sarcasm font when you need it???)  At least I caught them every time before they hit my knees!!

Who needs hands on their walker??  I can use my forearm!

I needed several doughnuts to recover from THAT trek! ( In the pre-gluten free days!)

Any hoo… where was I?? Oh, yeah!  Too many clothes.

So, maybe, just maybe my favorite, lavender, long enough jeans need to go.  I’ll need support to handle this one, ladies!  Do you know how hard it is to find lavender jeans?? that are long enough???  in a size (mumble, mumble)??

Who cares if they don’t stay up??  Oh, I see, everyone who sees me. Oh, okay.

Well, drats.  I guess they go in the donate pile.  A moment of silence , please. (Taps plays softly in the background).