Max’s Memo

I’m so surprised to be nominated for another Sunshine Award!  This is so cool, that people feel I bring sunshine into their world!  I hope I do to yours as well.

sunshine blogger award

Thanks, InspiringMax!

The Rules:

  •  Thank the person/people who nominated you
  • Answer the eleven questions from your nominator(s)
  • Nominate eleven other bloggers and give them eleven questions to answer.

Questions given to me:

  1. Where is your favorite place you have lived?

Plant City, Fl.  I was born there, and will always consider it home, because both my Granny, and my Grandma, lived there till they died.



Plant City, FL The Winter Strawberry Capital of the World



If you could change one thing what would it be?

This is hard.  Before March, I would have said my weight.  Before a year ago August, I would have said my slobbishness.  Before June, I would have said owning my own home.  Now, hmmmm, I would change America back to a Christian country.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

My Mama hugging me.

What is your dream job?

Being a proofreader.  And now I get to do that every time I write a post! Yay!  I just don’t get paid. 😦

What was your best subject at school?

Reading.  Wonder why???

4 journals

4 of 6 journals



Do you prefer to live in the country or the city?

Oh, definitely country-ish.  I don’t want to live in the middle of a million people, but I don’t want to have to drive 5 miles to even get to the road, either!  I like exactly where I am.  And that’s a nice place to be!

If you were stranded on a desert island which celebrity would you take with you?

A celebrity?  Hmmm, maybe Tim Tebow, so we could talk about Jesus.


Everyone has a song that makes them want to dance, what is yours?

Everybody Get Up and Dance Now!

Favorite colour?

I’ll let my readers answer this one. Y’all know it!

make all things purple

YES!! Please!!



Do you prefer camping, caravaning or staying in motels?

Motels, by a landslide.  I hated camping as a kid.  My brother would run his finger along the canvas right on top of my head.  Yuck!!  Drip, drip.  He invented water boarding!

How many different careers have you had?

Umm, not paying ones?  Or only counting when I got paid?  Non paying; about 15.  (babysitter for my siblings, piano player at church, professional serial dater in college, clown, Grammar Nazi, etc.)  Paying: only about 7.  (retail sales, McDonald’s, transport for hospital, teacher, sub teacher, mentor/tutor, call center.  Oh yeah, 8- my 2 day career as a nanny.  54 is TOO OLD to watch 3 in diapers!!)






(I know the numbers are messed up. It did that when I added the pix.  And I’m gonna leave them like that, because I’m not gonna be OCD today.)

My nominees:

Coral Swimming









Anne Lene


My questions for y’all:

  1. Where is your favourite place you have lived?
  2. If you could change one thing what would it be?
  3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What was your best subject at school?
  6. Do you prefer to live in the country or the city?
  7. If you were stranded on a desert island which book would you take with you?
  8. Everyone has a song that makes them want to dance, what is yours?
  9. Favorite colour?
  10. Do you prefer camping, caravaning or staying in motels?
  11. How many different careers have you had?

I look forward to finding out a little bit more about y’all!

32 thoughts on “Max’s Memo

  1. Awww thank you for the nomination and well done for yours…I am on a writers retreat at the’s lovely, men or kids..heaven…. back to reality tomoz and lots of catching up I’m sure I probably won’t surface for at least a week..ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

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