Tipped Toe

This is why you have to clean and organize your house:

Poor bruised, battered, broken toe

Poor bruised, battered, broken toe

It hurt like everything.  I was in agony, agony, AGONY I tell you!!  I think it’s broke.

Call 911!!  I need an ambulance!  Oh, wait, who am I yelling to????  There’s no one else here.  Hmmmmm, think!  What to do???  It’s so hard to think when you’re in AGONY!

I know!  I’ll lay on the floor, and simply expire from the pain.  And when someone comes looking for me, they’ll find my cold, broken body, stretched out on the floor, in a position of supplication…  pleading for help, and non came.   Ha, ha!  That’ll teach ’em a lesson!  Oh, wait!  Teach who a lesson????  I’ll be dead.  Okay, not the best plan....

I decided to fall onto the bed, clutching my foot, howling in agony.  Did I mention I was in AGONY???

Once I recovered sufficiently, to be able to arise: I photographed the scene.

Here is a mug shot of the dastardly fiend, who’s responsible:

murderous fiend

murderous fiend

How dare you be in MY way??  Well, what do you have to say for yourself??  Speak up!

Great, cat’s got it’s tongue.

I wrote an account of the tragic events, and gathered the evidence.

Can I sue the chair?  (I’m sure I’d win!)

Update:  Poor toe is getting better..  Still sulking about not winning the suit for a million dollars, against the chair, but healing nevertheless.

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