Kitchen CAtastrophe

As of Jan 8, 2016  this is what my kitchen looks like.

dirty dishes on counter

Dirty kitchen, it’s the dishes’ fault! Not mine!


EEK!  But, wait!  Some of these are from Christmas Eve.  Whoops, that makes it worse, not better, doesn’t it??  My dirty dishes have been sitting there for 2 years!!

dirty chocolate syrup pot

Mama’s dumpling pot used for chocolate syrup.


Baking pans used for biscuits.

Dratted ding dong dishes!!

While I go to work trying to make it sparkling clean, um, clean, uh, reasonably clean, er, not nasty, please enjoy this stroll down filthy dish memory lane.  sigh   I’ve had a LOT of dirty dishes in the last 18 months.

May 4, 2015.

August 19, 2014

November 17, 2015


Huff, puff, mouth breathing….

Phase 1:



Phase 2:


Phase 3:


After 5 hours of forced labor, 3 gallons of elbow grease, and 6 sinkfuls of suds, sweat, and tears;  here is what it looks like now.


What?  I need to finish? [BIG SIGH]  FINE. {mutters under breath} Slave driver.



Whaddya mean why didn’t I completely finish???  I’m done, whether the kitchen is or not!!  



I’m headed to a well deserved nap.  If you don’t hear from me after 15 hours, send a search party to make sure I’m still breathing!  Straight down the hall, follow the sound of the snores.   WAIT, what am I saying???  It’s the exhaustion speaking! cuz I don’t snore!!   If I keep denying it long enough, that makes it true, right??  (I’m looking at you, *cough* Hillary *cough*.) 



Ok, Ok, Ok!!  Now that I’ve had some good beauty sleep, I’m ready to tackle those 2 year old pots and pans.

TA DA!!!


Partied hard here: