Strawberry Sessions

If you missed any of the story: go here:

Part 1, Strawberry City, part 2, Man Giant, part 3, Strawberry Banquet, part 4, Strawberry Love, part 5, Strawberry Slush, part 6, Strawberry Sickness, part 7 Strawberry Daiquiri, part 8, Strawberry School, part 9, Strawberry Struggles.

Strawberry Girl was in the hospital, flat of her back.  Her broken back.

After 5 days, she was moved into a rehab facility for therapy.  It was hard work!  She was in a wheelchair, because it hurt so bad to walk.

Wheel_chairTherapy was not fun.  But she made friends, and was as okay as she possibly could be, considering.

Strawberry Girl realized she would be nearly helpless, once she went home.  So, she decided to beg Ranch Man to forgive her, and come back to her.  Fortunately, he did.

So, now Ranch Man


was doing all the work.  He took care of Strawberry Girl, in her wheelchair, and the Strawberry Grandbaby.  He and the Strawberry Grandbaby went on walks, and he took Strawberry Girl places, with the Strawberry Grandbaby on her lap.

Strawberry Girl was not doing well mentally, so back to the hospital she went, to the Ward again.

And again.  And again.  three times in 12 months, she went back to the Ward.  The nurses, and counselors, and her doctors knew her by name, and told her to “Get well!  Don’t come back here again!”

She began going to weekly counseling sessions.  That helped.

By this time, she had graduated to a walker, instead of the wheelchair.  So, she was able to get around better, and do stuff.

She decided to start…..

To Be Continued…..



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