Done Done

So, now I’m all done, de-cluttering my apartment!  And it’s gonna stay so nice and pret-ty!!

Yeah!   And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you!


And you won’t pay $49.95, or $39.95, not even $29.95!   We’re practically giving them away at the special TV offer of only $19.95!  (Plus separate shipping and handling.)  But, wait! There’s more!  (Billy Mays’ voice)

If you call now, and order in the next 15 minutes, we’ll send you an extra small bridge!

That’s a $70 value, for only $19.95!






 But you must call within the next 15 minutes, or risk being sold out!

Operators are standing by to take your calls.


27 thoughts on “Done Done

  1. Congrats on getting that done! I had a huge declutter a few months ago and it’s made such a difference to the apartment. I will definitely grab some of that clutter fairy dust though – you can never have too much fairy dust 😉


  2. Hi Melinda!
    I missed you too. Thank you for asking about my trip. Look me up on Facebook, so when I get around to uploading and posting my pictures, you can see them. I don’t know your last name, so I can’t look you up.
    In response to your post, very funny, as always. I could use a clutter fairy. Especially as I try and unpack because I packed so much clutter.
    We know the same bloggers. I recognize people who clicked “like”.
    It is so great to be in touch again. How was your month?


  3. It is so nice to get everything the way you want. Good for you Purple!

    Word of advice that kept me in control. Keep a box by the door just for getting rid of stuff. As you come across clutter that you no longer want put it in the box. When the box is full get rid of it. (Make it is a small box or it takes too long to fill and then you will be tempted to go through it and pull stuff out. I have been clutter free for about 8 years now and that is how I keep my house clean.

    Liked by 1 person

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