Rewarding Recycling

So proud of myself today!  (Today not necessarily meaning the day you are reading this.  I sometimes outline my posts, and let them simmer.  Sometimes for months on end!)   My recycling was full, and my garbage was empty!!  YAY me!

full recycling bin

“r”ots of recycling!

empty garbage can

Nothing to see here!!

I had challenged myself to see how little trash I could have, while recycling everything I could conceivably put in that blue can.  I love how well I did on this challenge.  It took some work, and creative thinking as to how that bit of string could possibly be a recycled item, (I decided it was recycling because it was made of mineral, not animal or vegetable.  That is HOW you decide, right?  Ask animal, mineral or vegetable??)

Of course, I still hadn’t taken the trash out of all the cans in the house yet, but….

YAY me!!


I’m nominating myself for a Best Recycler Award!!

award ribbon

Recycling Recognition

(Wonder if that comes with any sort of monetary prize??  WEll, since I made it up just now, and I’m broke, I highly doubt it.  Boo hiss!!!)

Charity Chair

I have a gorgeous dining room set.  (Well, it will be once it’s all purple instead of green!)  I love the curves of the legs, and the airiness of the glass top.

dinette chairs(Please ignore all the clutter on the table, it was invisible to me until now.  Just play along, and no one gets hurt, capese?)

But I had a serious problem occur.  One of the chairs broke a leg.  How it did this, when I didn’t even know it went out running, I’ll never know.  Nevertheless, here it is, in it’s sad state.

broken chair leg

Poor thing, needs a cast.

broken dinette chair leg

So very tragic.

I wanted to put it out of its misery, like a horse, but how do you kill a chair??  So, I put it out by the road.  Fortunately, my SIL saw it, and questioned me.  He whisked it away in his ambulance van, and returned it to me the next morning, with its leg whole!  Miraculously, he knew a chair leg doctor that worked for thank yous from a sweet, blonde, (PP) baby.  Welded it up, and good to go!

Thank you SIL!!!!

welded chair leg

Better than new. I DARE it to break now!

Now, it’s on restriction, and forbidden to go out running ever again.  Next time, I’ll tie its feet together.

two uses tuesday

Tipped Toe

This is why you have to clean and organize your house:

Poor bruised, battered, broken toe

Poor bruised, battered, broken toe

It hurt like everything.  I was in agony, agony, AGONY I tell you!!  I think it’s broke.

Call 911!!  I need an ambulance!  Oh, wait, who am I yelling to????  There’s no one else here.  Hmmmmm, think!  What to do???  It’s so hard to think when you’re in AGONY!

I know!  I’ll lay on the floor, and simply expire from the pain.  And when someone comes looking for me, they’ll find my cold, broken body, stretched out on the floor, in a position of supplication…  pleading for help, and non came.   Ha, ha!  That’ll teach ’em a lesson!  Oh, wait!  Teach who a lesson????  I’ll be dead.  Okay, not the best plan....

I decided to fall onto the bed, clutching my foot, howling in agony.  Did I mention I was in AGONY???

Once I recovered sufficiently, to be able to arise: I photographed the scene.

Here is a mug shot of the dastardly fiend, who’s responsible:

murderous fiend

murderous fiend

How dare you be in MY way??  Well, what do you have to say for yourself??  Speak up!

Great, cat’s got it’s tongue.

I wrote an account of the tragic events, and gathered the evidence.

Can I sue the chair?  (I’m sure I’d win!)

Update:  Poor toe is getting better..  Still sulking about not winning the suit for a million dollars, against the chair, but healing nevertheless.

oh my heartsie girl WW

waiting on wednesday

grandma ideas sharing time link party

tuesday talk

two uses tuesday

Home Matters Party

free fun friday

Inspire Me Monday party