Ceiling Situation

One night, I was laying on my bed, on my back, looking up.  I thought

“Hmmm, that looks funny.”

me sleep 076

me sleep 078

Like a dummy, I gave it a poke.  Can you say DUMB???


There was a wet me, a wet pillow, and a wet bed.

It’s a good thing I have another bed to roll onto!!

The next day:

DH rode to the rescue.

Dh's handy dandy knife

Dh’s handy dandy knife

After moving the beds and getting a bucket, he made a slit in the ceiling tile, with his handy dandy knife.  He’s a lot smarter than I was!

The ceiling must relieve itself.

The ceiling must relieve itself.

Now we’ll see how long it takes to get the roof fixed.  Oh the joys of home ownership.


Update:  2 days later, he borrowed a ladder, got some gunk, and painted the roof.  Hasn’t leaked yet!  Here’s hoping!!

waiting on wednesday

free fun friday

Home Matters Party

Monday Madness party

Inspire Me Monday party

totally terrific tuesday

48 thoughts on “Ceiling Situation

  1. Now I can relate to that one…once we use to live in a rented apartment and it was not in very good condition but we needed it urgently so we decided to live there . And one day while I was playing in the porch.. boooom… the part of ceiling has fallen …I was 6 old year kid then it was just few inches away from where I was standing …I was shocked and didn’t speak for few hours 😛 (so for a person like me who is so talkative its was a big deal) and from than on I stopped playing in the porch . So after few months we shifted to a new apartment 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I would have screamed the s@#t out of my mother if water plonked on me like that o_O XD I’m an unbelievable scaredy-cat! Thank goodness you were saved, Melinda 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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