Pearly’s Post

Pearly nominated me for a Blogger Recognition Award!  

Thanks, Pearly!

slob, humor, award

Here’s the link to her blog:

Update 2/8/17:  Sadly, Pearly has deleted her site.     😦


1. Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog.

2. Write a post and give a brief story of how your blog started.

3. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers.

4.Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

5.Let the nominees know you have nominated them and provide a link to the nomination details.

Okay, #1-done    #2- gonna do that little thing right now.

I have been a life long slob.  And I was SICK of it!  I’d been reading cleaning, organizing, and purging blogs.  Kristen, from RoadtoDomestication was the first one I read, since she’s a personal friend.

It is great!  But, she’s naturally organized, and I’m not, so nothing changed.  Then I found Nony, from ASlobComesClean.

And she’s a self admitted slob!  I had found my people!!

So, I determined to take control of my life, one dust bunny at a time.  I started my blog Aug. was a year ago.  Everyday I’d do something, no matter how small, and document it in writing, and pix.  My first post, First Day, was the beginning.

me big girl

Me at 344 lbs. Yep, I was a BIG girl!

Now I’m an experienced blogger with a lot less junk in my life, who has improved health, as well.  My life is so satisfying now.

#3, Advice.

Hmmm, I don’t really feel qualified to give advice, just tell you what worked for me.  Figure out what you want to say.  It has to be important to you, or you’ll lose interest.  Then, start saying it!!  And proofread, proofread, proofread!  I re-read my posts multiple times before I publish, and still mistakes make it thru.  That’s so embarrassing for a Grammar Nazi!!!

#4, 15 other blogs.  That I can do easily!  I know so many wonderful bloggers, just choosing 15 will be the hard part!
















two uses tuesday

31 thoughts on “Pearly’s Post

  1. Thank you, you purple stinker 😉
    I’m an organizing freak. It’s not natural. I’d like to label and color code my whole house if I could.
    Y’know, if you get enough purple stuff your dust bunnies will be purple and just match the décor. Easy peasy lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s always amazing to read how bloggers started and why. I love your advice (even though it makes me shiver as I hardly ever proofread… and I know I make heaps of mistakes… something to work on in the future. Congrats and well deserved 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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