Deluxe Dining

Remember when my dining room was my sewing room?

20150403_11164220150403_111603 Yeah, it was AWFUL messy.

Well, on May 6th, DH moved everything around, and

potholder 010Voila!  Restored my dining room!

I’m so happy to have an actual dining room again!

It’s even been used, as a dining room!!

Thursday, May 7th, Brother brought home a ginormous Greek salad, (that Kristen correctly identified as being from ABC Pizza- yum!)

Boy, did we enjoy that!

potholder 008potholder 009Me more than him, apparently.

(He just forgot I can’t have rolls anymore, and tried to hand me one.  No, I didn’t bite his hand off!  I just gave him “the look”.  He quickly realized his mistake and apologized!  It was agony to turn that down!  And he’s still embarrassed.)

ABC Pizza rolls are my most favorite restaurant rolls!!!  Waaaaahhh

Oh, yeah, back to the dining room…

Delighted, the deluxe duo daintily dined on dinner.

11 thoughts on “Deluxe Dining

  1. I have the opposite problem. Usually my craft supplies are strewn across the dining table. In order to eat we have to repile up the supplies. Some day I’ll redo my office so I can actually craft in there and we’ll have an empty table again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stacey, I feel your pain. I know I’m extraordinarily blessed to have a whole room just for sewing! Don’t worry, you’ll have one too, when your kids move out! I certainly never did when my 2 girls were still home.
      Thanks for commenting.


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