Recovery 3 Ways

My health recovery has been going well lately.  Since I have changed my way of eating, I’ve lost 1 pant size, and 20 lbs.  (Major cause of celebration!!) Way more than that now, I wrote this June 18.

I’m able to walk around my apartment without my walker now.

Need a pic of me on walker, but I couldn’t find one.  (You already know my bad habit of forgetting to take before pics.)

But I still take it outside, just to be on the safe side!  I have tripped over my own feet, and lint on the floor, even when I was young and healthy!  So much better safe than sorry!

My physical recovery seems to be coinciding with recovering my home from slobbery.  That is very interesting to me.  People have told me before that messes make you crazy, but I pooh-poohed them.  Since I was already crazy, what did it matter?  But I’m finding out, it does.

Also. my spiritual health is improving.  I have been more faithful about reading my Bible,

My latest, and newest favorite

My latest, and newest favorite

and I have more peace now.  That is something I never would have believed, if I hadn’t experienced it for myself.

I’m shooting for the goal of becoming a minimalist, I guess.  That is something I never would have imagined coming outta my mouth, or fingers rather.

But I am finding that the more stuff I let go, the lighter I feel.  And feeling lighter is translating to my actual body…  I’m becoming physically lighter.  And my home is so much more “homier”  when I can actually use all of it, without a major excavation everytime!

I’ve let go of stuff.  I’ve let go of bad things, that I used to put in my body.    I’ve let go of some attitudes, and sins that were weighing down my soul.

We are made up of 3 parts, body, soul, and spirit.  It’s amazing how working on one part, has me working on the other parts.

God is so good to me.  Don’t wait till your life is half over, to begin recovery.  It’s real work, but it’s really worth the effort.

Update:  July 9, 2015

I’m totally off my walker now.  I have 2 legs! not 6!

My total weight loss to date is 41 pounds!!  I’m so over the moon thrilled!!  And all because I quit eating doughnuts!  lol ( and all other gluten products, and most sugar, and corn, and ……)

But mostly doughnuts!  😉
