Hungry, Hungry Hamper

(Did you notice I referenced the kid’s game, “Hungry, Hungry Hippo”?  I thought it was clever.  Was it just me??)

Here’s what the corner of my bathroom, by the tub looked like before:


Now, I own a hamper.  And it does have dirty clothes in it.  So, why wasn’t it there, where I actually put my dirty clothes?? HMMM, let me think….

Okay, I can’t think of a good excuse.

Wait, I know!  I hadn’t read about creating systems that work in your home.  

Everyone knows you’re supposed to get organized, right?  And everyone has probably read at LEAST 1 book on the subject.  (Lord knows, I have, 12 or twenty, maybe??)

BUT, if you try to do all these things, but your family doesn’t work that way, you will be doomed to fail.  Then, you’ll feel like a failure.  Instead of realizing it’s not you, it’s that system that failed.

Just like almost everything in life, you have to find what works for you.  Having my dirty clothes hamper in the bedroom, or by the laundry closet didn’t work for me.

I needed it right where I take off my clothes, in the bathroom.  Obviously, I had a well established habit, of throwing my dirty clothes down in the corner.  So….

20150403_111709after I cleaned them all up, and washed those,

1430146016677I put the hamper where the huge pile of clothes was.  Voila!  My dirty clothes are contained where they belong!  And, I don’t have to learn a new habit.  I just adjusted the system to what works for me!

YAY! I can do what any 2 year old can do!  Look, Mommy! I put my dirty clothes away myself!!

16 thoughts on “Hungry, Hungry Hamper

  1. It was such a revelation that idea. But the question that I know want to know is does it still work? When laundry day comes around does the hamper end up back where the dirty clothes get taken off? I still haven’t really figured this one out because there is no room for a hamper in my bathroom.

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