Much to-do Monday

Last Monday, I woke up at 7 am.  That is NOT my usual MO.  I usually drag up outta bed around 2 pm, unless I have an appointment.  Took my medicine, and did morning hygiene ritual.  Which unfortunately, did not include a shower.  If I had only known what was going to happen later, I would have taken the opportunity!

So, when I called my Mama that early, she was startled to say the least!  Then I called Sis, just so I’d get an “Atta, girl!” for being up with the rest of the world!

I started a load of laundry.

20150511_084801Wow! I have huge man hands!  Jerry Seinfeld wouldn’t date me!

Emptied the maroon recliner of its laundry.  (No, I didn’t fold and put away, just moved.)

Focus, here! We are celebrating my accomplishments!

Washed a pot, and the frying pan.


Scrambled eggs, and ate with blueberries.

Washed the frying pan again!  (That’s huge!!  Washing the pan immediately after I used it?  Never occurred to me before now!  No, no, don’t look at the dirty dish still in the sink.  Accomplishments, remember??)

Filled ice cube trays.

Wrote this list to congratulate myself.

Carried dishes to sink, including last night’s salad bowl.

Read Bible, and prayed.

Switched load of laundry to dryer.

20150511_084922This time, I decided to leave my man hands out of it!

Took pix for blog.   Why, yes!  Coincidentally, these very ones!

Rewarded myself with reading.

Then DD1 called and asked me to watch PP.  Well, of course!  I’m not gonna turn that down, no matter how busy I am!  From 10:10-2:40, be super Omie, and get and give all the loves, hugs, and kisses I can squeeze in.

Went grocery shopping.

Re-read recipes, realized I can’t make cheesecake because I don’t have a mixer.  Cried.

Washed dishes, including the one in the sink in the pots picture, that I needed for supper, loaded dw with others.

Cooked supper.  Took frequent breaks to sit down, pant and gasp, and drink water.

Sis came and helped me finish up supper.

We, plus Brother, ate, and talked , and laughed.  (But they wouldn’t let me take any pix for the blog.  😦  )

After a little while, Brother went to bed, and then I kept nodding off.  Sweet Sis said she’d go and let me sleep.  And boy, did I!!  I was exhausted from my super busy, Manic Monday.

(The next day, when I told Sweet friend about my day, he asked, “Who are you, and where’s your pod?”  That’s a running joke with us.  I have been very, very lazy , except watching PP, for a long, long time.)

“She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eath not the bread of idleness.”  Proverbs 31:27  KJV

I believe there is hope for me to be a Proverbs 31 woman after all.

12 thoughts on “Much to-do Monday

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  6. Pingback: Laundry Love | purpleslobinrecovery

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